Preschool Camp Weeks of June 3 through August 16
Inside/Out & Climbing Camp Weeks of June 10 through August 16
This form must be completed in order for your child to attend camp! Summer Camp form
Our camp staff is comprised of college age staff
junior gymnastics instructors while overseen by an adult manager.
- Pat Hilko – With an education in Environmental Studies and the love of the outdoors, Pat creates an environment for your child to explore the wonders that nature has to offer.
- Kim Kudlach – As our preschool director, Miss Kim provides a safe and nurturing environment for our preschoolers to have fun, interact with peers, and be creative.
- Vanessa Varndell – Inside and Out, Vanessa loves children and wants them to have fun, exciting time. Games, crafts, and thinking outside the box helps guide her to give these campers an unforgettable experience.
- Justin Mech – With over 20 years of climbing experience and 19 years working at Climb North, Justin will bring a wealth of knowledge to our new and advanced climbing campers. Learn the art of bouldering, auto-belay, and climbing!
please contact the office prior to camp registration so we can assure proper protocols are in place.
Summer Camp Policies 2024
The following policies are applicable for Preschool Camp, Inside/Out Camp, and Climbing Camp.
- Campers must be potty trained. Potty training is defined as the child’s ability to completely handle bathroom tasks on his/her own. This includes cleaning self after a bowel movement.
- Campers must bring a water bottle and snack every day. If participating in the Lunch Bunch or full day programming, campers should also bring a lunch.
- Campers should apply sunscreen, bug spray, etc at home prior to arrival at camp. Camp staff will not apply these items.
- All necessary medical items (epipens, inhalers) should be labeled and handed into the office daily
Refund Policy This applies to
Inside/out, Preschool, and Climbing.
- If cancellation of the camp occurs 30 or more days prior to the camp start date,100% of the camp fee will be refunded.
- If cancellation occurs between 15-29 days prior to the camp start date, 50% of the camp fee will be refunded.
- If cancellation occurs within 14 days of the camp start date, NO refund will be issued.
Refund dates for Wild Woods.
- Before March 1st you will receive a full refund.
- March 2 through March 31, you will receive a 50% refund.
- April 1 through April 15, you will receive a 25% refund.
- After April 15, you are not entitled to a refund.
General Behavior Expectations
- Respect themselves, others, and gym property.
- Respect each other’s personal space.
- Bullying behaviors will not be tolerated. Bullying includes repeated negative or malicious behavior that is aimed at another individual.
- Use of appropriate language.
The following consequences will result for children unable to follow these expectations.
The first time a camper has a problem, the parent will receive a verbal notification. The second time, a camper has a problem, a written notification will be issued to the parent via email or paper copy. The third time, parents will be made aware via phone and email.
If any further infractions occur, the camper will be removed from programming.*
*If the camper is removed from camp due to disciplinary reasons, the account is not eligible for refunds or credits.
Personal Possessions
All items needed for camp purposes should be labeled with camper’s name. Other than what is requested for camp purposes, all personal items (phones, electronic devices, toys etc) should remain at home.
Jewart’s Gymnastics is not responsible for lost or stolen items.